Blitz Sports Magazine | Truth Serum - Stop Crying about the Eagles! | Shaq vs Dame Rap Beef | Spenc


In this week's conversation, after arguments about how bad the Eagles are this season, Malik steps up and challenges the cry babies to stop crying.  The Eagles are not that bad...He gives the Eagles a Solid B.  Then  Malik rates a few NFL teams to compare at this point in the season.  


NFC: Dallas A-;  Giants B; Redskins D; Bears B; Lions B; Vikings C; Packers A; Saints A; Tampa B; Panthers C ; Falcons D; 49ers B+; Seahawks A; Rams B;  Cardinals C


AFC: Steelers D; Dolphins D; Jets D;


Listen to the logic behind the ratings!



Malik then digs into US politics - the state of America today with Guest Host: Sports writer Bradley Smith from Brad Smith Sports, Santa Monica, CA.  The two of them talk politics, the state of America today with gang-style politics.


NFL - Guessing who would be the MVP this year in the NFL: Patrick Mahomes vs Dak Prescott


Reviewing Quaterbacks; Antionio Brown situation and Kap.



Malik invites listeners to give feedback on the Rap Beef between Shaq and Damian Leonard.  Plays highlights of both tracks. 


Review: Malik gave Shaq 1 1/2 stars | Dame 3 stars out of 4


California Fair Pay Act disussed



Guest Host Boxing: TY from Keep It 100 Boxing.   Malik and TY talk Errol Spence vs Shawn Porter boxing along with related contenders. Will Floyd Mayweather come back for Canelo?  






Exciting show. 


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